Leading Change Advising Services


Avail can help you understand what is preventing your people from succeeding during times of change.  We take a two-pronged approach to helping you manage change.  The first part of our approach ensures that you have the right support mechanisms in place to enable your people (communication, tools, training, support).  The second part of our approach ensures that you address the psychological barriers that prevent your people from engaging and supporting change initiatives.

Defining outcome-based change milestones  – Change initiatives shouldn’t be driven by deliverable-based workplans and schedules.  They need to be driven by where you need your people to be at certain points in time.  Avail will help define outcome-based change goals and milestones that reflect where your people are in the change process.

Change readiness assessment – Avail provides a general assessment to help you understand and address the ability, information, and motivation issues preventing your people from succeeding during times of change.

Personal threat assessment – We will help you identify the real and perceived threats and stress points that are inhibiting your people’s acceptance of your change effort.  We will then help you develop a strategy to address and remove these threats in your environment.

Contact us today to get help in understanding where you people are lost, what information is missing or confusing, and what real or perceived threats they are facing.

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