Stop putting up with reports and metrics that don’t help you make decisions

“We have to reduce costs. Please let me know you revised budget for the current year by next week.” That was the one of the first things I heard in my new role as Chief Learning Officer at the University of Chicago Medical Center several years ago. It was my first meeting as a member of …

Don’t stop ’til you get enough

A company was struggling with high operating costs. A quick review revealed that payroll costs were a key factor. Further review showed that the company was experiencing consistently high overtime. The company’s leadership asked a team of managers to come up with some possible solutions to the cost problem. Here is what they came up with: ·     Reduce …

Aligning your data and decisions. Why there is no ‘Category 6’​ for hurricanes.

With Hurricane Dorian in the news, I thought it might be a good time to repost this article. It provides a great illustration of aligning data and decisions. And, to the people in the Caribbean and Southeastern United States, my thoughts are with you. I hope you remain safe during this difficult storm. Original Article: …

Avoid these 3 common traps when reading reports

If you’re like most people, you probably get a lot of reports each week.  And, also like most people, you spend a lot of time reading through them.  Many people tell me that they spend way too much time browsing reports. This wastes time and delays decision making. It’s important to be strategic when looking …

Context Versus Background: Streamlining Your Presentations and Decisions

What’s the first thing that you do when you see a “background” section in a presentation or communication? If you’re like many people, you probably said, “Ignore it”. If it’s during a presentation, you probably also let out a loud sigh and slouch in your chair a bit! Yet, I’d bet that you provide “background” in …

How to make a recommendation in six slides!

In my last post, I talked about using the “What, Why, But, And” approach for telling your story simply and effectively. However, sometimes you are doing more than telling a story. Sometimes you are making a recommendation. Just as people often over-explain their story, sometimes we over-explain the recommendation as well. Your goal should be …

Telling your story simply, quickly, and effectively

Do you like getting status updates?  I’ve met few people who do. They tend to be long drawn out presentations that are heavy on data but light on insight and action. Well, guess what? Your boss and clients don’t like them either. The problem is that most people over-explain. Your audience doesn’t need every detail.  …

Are your goals empowering or suffocating your team?

Good goals are helpful.  They provide focus for teams and create line of sight between an individual’s work and the broader success of the business. However, while everyone in an organization might be working toward the same goal, each person should have his or her own unique goal. A problem that I see in many …