Forget leadership. We need to recapture humanship.

“In a world devoid of humanity, try to be human” – Ethics of our Fathers (2:5) This past week or so has seen its share of hateful, hurtful, and harmful statements. These statements have come from many high-profile individuals – leaders in their various fields. In some cases, consequences have been swift and decisive. In …

Our updated privacy policy

First thank you for being a loyal subscriber to Question of Leadership.  I hope that you have found the content from my blog interesting, relevant, and practical. I know that you are being bombarded with updated privacy statements this week.  So, I’ll keep my update simple and clear. Here is a link to Avail Advisor’s (my company) full privacy policy. …

What’s the best way to make your point?  Actually make it!

Does this sound familiar? Me: “What do you want people to take away from this?” Other person: “That X,Y, and Z are happening” Me: “So why don’t you just say that?” I must go through this process at least ten times a day. Sometimes I’ll ask it when reviewing a slide.  There will be a …

Creating a culture of people who seek meaning from data

The desire to find and obtain meaning in one’s life is a primary human driver. This premise, famously discussed in Viktor Frankel’s Man’s Search for Meaning, has also been borne out in numerous employee engagement studies. “Meaningful work” or “Understanding how work contributes to the organization” is often among the key drivers of employee engagement. …

Three questions that your strategy needs to answer

The power of focus is amazing. Focus and concentrate light and get a laser that can cut through steel. Focus your body and movement and you can break a board with your hand. The same holds true for your business. A well-focused strategy creates more power and impact for your organization. The problem is that …

Four questions for finding meaning in your data

Asking questions is an essential way to find meaning in information. Many leaders want to ask questions but don’t know where to start. Ideally, you ask questions based on your existing knowledge and the current context or situation. Therefore, every situation will have its own unique set of questions. However, to get started, some basic …

The way you shovel might say a lot about your leadership style

Today we had our first snow of the year here in Naperville, IL. It’s a good time for a repost. Here are some previous thoughts on snow shoveling and leadership. ——————– We had our first big snow today. As my dogs and I try to navigate around my subdivision, I’ve noticed four types of snow …